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They Left No Crime Uncommitted

Make instant profits with commercial rights to reprint and sell this book in any media format as many times as you want to.

Right now you and everyone can download and share the book in PDF format for free (click here). But these free downloads are limited to non-commercial sharing with friends, family, and others.

In order to sell this book for profit, you need a commercial license. Two days ago we decided to offer an Associate Publisher License that permits you to reprint and sell the book as many times as you like. We are doing this to incentivize you to spread the word about the injustice system and reward you with a healthy income at the same time.

However, our Associate Publisher opportunity for equity profits is strictly limited to those who make a minimum free-will gift of $100 per annum. Once you make your gift you will receive a link to download a copy of the book in PDF format (which can be imported into Microsoft Word), a commercial license, plus a large collection of book mockups.

But if you are not interested in publishing the book for profit, you can still help us spread the word with a free-will gift to support our efforts.

Yes, I am mad at the government criminals who destroy people's lives. I want to help expose the corrupt U.S. Justice system.

Remember, as an Associate Publisher you will receive a large collection of marketing mockups like the samples below to boost your sales into the stratosphere. Use them in any manner you like to promote your book sales.

Copyright © 2023 by Ken Pealock. All rights reserved.

Important: This commercial license does not authorize publishing on Amazon, Draft2Digitial, or Smashwords where we already advertise. It also does not authorize the production of a movie, documentary, or audiobook without special permission.